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DtoAttribute Properties

The DtoAttribute type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDynamic
Gets or sets value that indicates if nested serialization level is resolved dynamically. Nested level can be dynamic if you are trying to serialize parent object using some level higher than the level indicated in the DtoAttribute.Value. In this case the nested level is calculated at runtime based on difference between the required level and the DtoAttribute.Value. This difference is added to the DtoAttribute.Nested serialization level. This behaviour works only if Dynamic property is true.
Public propertyIsCustomType
Must be set to true if current property is Custom Type.
Public propertyNested
If the current property represents nested domain object, then this field defines the Level of serialization applied to the child properties of the domain object
Public propertyParser
You can provide your own parser. Creating custom parser is simple. You have to implement the IParser interface. If parsing is impossible due to wrong format custom parser must throw some Exception
Public propertyTypeId
When implemented in a derived class, gets a unique identifier for this Attribute.
(Inherited from Attribute.)
Public propertyValue
Level of serialization applied to this property
See Also